Thai World

Thailand preparing for a soft landing as ‘cracks’ open up in the Chinese economy says bank chief

Thailand preparing for a soft landing as ‘cracks’ open up in the Chinese economy says bank chief

August 17, 2023

Economy, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

Baht has been on a roller coaster ride coming from a 16-year low in October 2022 to a rapid 14.4% gain and this year seeing… Read More ›

Drunk Russian arrested on Sunday after he let his partner fall from the couple’s 7th-floor condo

Drunk Russian arrested on Sunday after he let his partner fall from the couple’s 7th-floor condo

August 15, 2023

Crime, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

Unstable Russian appeared to be in a disorientated state while still consuming alcohol when police knocked on the door of the seventh-floor apartment on Sunday… Read More ›

Chinese tourist attacks police at Don Mueang Airport in prolonged tirade until calmed down by officers

Chinese tourist attacks police at Don Mueang Airport in prolonged tirade until calmed down by officers

August 13, 2023

Crime, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

Extraordinarily patient police were attacked by the traveller with his skateboard and responded by drawing batons but the irate Chinese man was not arrested. The… Read More ›

Economic danger signals emerging as politicians wrangle over who will form the next government

Economic danger signals emerging as politicians wrangle over who will form the next government

August 12, 2023

Economy, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

A troubling external geo-political environment adds to the sense of danger with US President Joe Biden warning on Friday that China’s economy, on which Thailand… Read More ›

Central bank flirts with Yuan while overreliance on China negatively impacts Thai economic growth

Central bank flirts with Yuan while overreliance on China negatively impacts Thai economic growth

August 9, 2023

Economy, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

Ongoing pandering to China and a mild but clear anti-American agenda pursued by Thai authorities such as attempts by the Bank of Thailand to encourage… Read More ›

Spaniard highly likely to be handed down a death sentence for cruel, planned and callous murder

Spaniard highly likely to be handed down a death sentence for cruel, planned and callous murder

August 7, 2023

Crime, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

Spanish TV and movie star acts to provide his celebrity chef son with legal counsel and support as Marine Police and divers still search for… Read More ›

Spanish chef murdered gay lover on Ko Phangan, cut him into 14 pieces and left him as garbage

Spanish chef murdered gay lover on Ko Phangan, cut him into 14 pieces and left him as garbage

August 5, 2023

Crime, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

The 29-year-old killer, reportedly a YouTube celebrity chef, is the son of a well-known acting pair in Spain. His father, 48-year-old Rodolfo Sancho Aguirre is… Read More ›

Corruption and border smuggling linked to the Muno blast in Narathiwat. Call for top-level probe

Corruption and border smuggling linked to the Muno blast in Narathiwat. Call for top-level probe

August 4, 2023

Crime, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

Anti-corruption campaigner wants the activities of the trading firm at the heart of the explosion last Saturday in Muno investigated by a high-powered police task… Read More ›

Political crisis deepens as Court takes up petition, voting on PM off until at least August 16th next

Political crisis deepens as Court takes up petition, voting on PM off until at least August 16th next

August 3, 2023

Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

The news comes as Thaksin Shinawatra has postponed his return and also linked it to the formation of a new government while Pheu Thai’s popularity… Read More ›

Japanese man tells Chiang Mai police his 25-year-old girlfriend strangled herself with a cable in hotel room

Japanese man tells Chiang Mai police his 25-year-old girlfriend strangled herself with a cable in hotel room

August 1, 2023

Crime, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

Strange case for Chiang Mai Police as a 31-year-old Japanese man claimed that his girlfriend strangled herself with a charger cable while he slept. Investigators… Read More ›

Fate of Thaksin linked to political fate of the kingdom as Chuwit predicts his return deal is off at this time

Fate of Thaksin linked to political fate of the kingdom as Chuwit predicts his return deal is off at this time

July 30, 2023

Crime, Culture, Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

Thaksin faces a momentous personal decision to run the gauntlet of being arrested at Don Mueang Airport and lodged at Bangkok Remand Prison on Thursday,… Read More ›

Fears grow that Thaksin has become a pawn for conservatives to break the 8 party democratic pact

Fears grow that Thaksin has become a pawn for conservatives to break the 8 party democratic pact

July 28, 2023

Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

Speculative reports being pushed by anonymous sources linked to Pheu Thai are briefing the media that Thaksin is at the centre of a ‘super deal’… Read More ›

Prime Minister, business leaders oppose strategy to countdown the clock on the Senate’s power

Prime Minister, business leaders oppose strategy to countdown the clock on the Senate’s power

July 27, 2023

Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

The strategy was first mooted publicly by former United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) leader Jatuporn Prompan as the best course of action as… Read More ›

PM votes suspended indefinitely as Constitutional Court asked to review last vote in parliament

PM votes suspended indefinitely as Constitutional Court asked to review last vote in parliament

July 25, 2023

Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

Hiatus may allow Pheu Thai to regroup amid strong signals that the party may be about to commit political suicide with the electorate by abandoning… Read More ›

Bank of Thailand to tackle household debt in new plan from 2024 which will see higher standards

Bank of Thailand to tackle household debt in new plan from 2024 which will see higher standards

July 23, 2023

Economy, Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

Hundreds of thousands of middle-class Thais are trapped in debt cycles that act as a continuous tax on their income at a high level, often… Read More ›

Former police chief and political leader says Move Forward must sacrifice itself for the country

Former police chief and political leader says Move Forward must sacrifice itself for the country

July 21, 2023

Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

General Sereepisuth Temeeyaves indicated that a complaint should be made to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and the Ombudsman concerning last Thursday’s parliamentary vote as… Read More ›

Pheu Thai to install Srettha as Prime Minister by forming a coalition pact with government parties

Pheu Thai to install Srettha as Prime Minister by forming a coalition pact with government parties

July 20, 2023

Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

The path now being pursued by the Pheu Thai Party will see it lose heavily in terms of political capital as it will be reneging… Read More ›

Pita suspended as an MP and loses renomination attempt in parliament as Senate blocks his path

Pita suspended as an MP and loses renomination attempt in parliament as Senate blocks his path

July 19, 2023

Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

On Tuesday, it was reported that Mr Pita Limjaroenrat has himself filed a complaint with the Criminal Court of Corruption against the Election Commission and… Read More ›

Tide going out in parliament for Move Forward as it faces being axed or sidelined from real power

Tide going out in parliament for Move Forward as it faces being axed or sidelined from real power

July 19, 2023

Living, Personal, Thai World, Thailand:

It may be back to the streets for Move Forward as the nomination of Mr Pita Limjaroenrat in parliament for Prime Minister faces opposition and… Read More ›

US expresses concern about the democratic ‘will of the people’ as tension mounts over legal case

US expresses concern about the democratic ‘will of the people’ as tension mounts over legal case

July 18, 2023

Living, Personal, Politics, Thai World, Thailand:

A decisive 48 hours in Thai politics in which anything may happen with fears of a Constitutional Court intervention removing the Move Forward Party and… Read More ›

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