Northern Thailand is in crisis as historic flooding hits Chiang Rai, Mae Sai, and Mekong River provinces. Severe rainfall and river overflows have caused massive evacuations. The Mekong River’s rising levels, coupled with the worst floods in 50 years, heightens fears.

Northern Thailand is on high alert after heavy flooding mid-week hit Chiang Rai province, particularly the Mae Sai district. However, as water recedes there after closing Chiang Rai Airport, the Mekong River will continue to rise from Friday until next Tuesday. For instance, elevated water levels were measured as rising 1.23 metres in Nong Khai on Thursday as rescue services and officials prepare for the threatened overflow of the river. This is due to 2-3 times the normal rainfall in the region over the last few days, caused by an acute depression. Rescue workers and local reports describe the worst flooding in 40-50 years, with more expected until the middle of next week.

Some of the local people who were rescued in Chiang Rai in the last 48 hours where waters are reported to have receded. However, they are rising in places such as Nong Khai. In addition, the Mekong River is predicted to rise significantly between Friday and Tuesday (Source: Thai Rath, Mekong River Commission, and Ruamkatanyu Rescue Team).

Floodwaters in the northern region of Thailand, particularly in Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai district, are starting to recede. However, authorities are warning that the situation remains critical. Presently, many villagers are still stranded and in urgent need of rescue. The persistent rain over the past few days has caused flash floods.

In addition, there were severe inundations in several districts. This has affected countless households. Rescue workers have been tirelessly battling the rising waters to save lives, even as conditions remain treacherous.

Chiang Rai experiences severe flooding with overflow from Kok River affecting multiple communities there

On September 12, 2024, reporters on the ground in Chiang Rai reported that the Kok River had overflowed. At the same time, it flooded several riverside communities. In turn, this left many residents trapped in their homes.

Despite signs of easing in some areas, the floodwaters remain dangerous. This was because of rapid currents making rescue operations perilous. In Fang District, continuous rain has caused flash floods in three sub-districts. Undoubtedly, this exacerbated the situation and emphasised the need for urgent assistance.

The Ruamkatanyu Rescue Team, one of the organisations aiding flood victims, has been at the forefront in helping stranded villagers. The team, based in Lopburi Province, arrived in Chiang Rai this week. 

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They came equipped with flat-bottomed boats to assist in evacuating people trapped by the floodwaters. However, their efforts were hampered by the swift current and depth of the water. For example, in some places, the waters reached above head level.

Navigating waist-deep water proves challenging for rescue workers in flooded areas after levels rose quickly

The team faced immense challenges in navigating through the flooded streets. The water was often waist-deep and sometimes much deeper here.

Certainly, it made it difficult to steer their boats. Despite these difficulties, the rescue workers pressed on. The priority was the evacuation of the elderly, children, and disabled individuals.

The Kok River’s overflow has impacted communities across Chiang Rai. For instance, residents were unable to move their belongings in time. This was because the fast-rising water level left many trapped in their homes.

Focus shifts to Kok Tong community in Chiang Rai with over 200 Muslim households amid rising floodwaters

The Ruamkatanyu team was dispatched to help villagers in Mueang Chiang Rai District. This included a rescue mission for a young child trapped inside a car near the Chiang Rai Highways Department. It was located in the Ban Kok Tong community.

Upon reaching the location, they found another rescue team had already brought the child to safety. The team then shifted their focus to the Kok Tong community. Notably, this is home to over 200 Muslim households.

They were tasked with rescuing a family of 12, including elderly and disabled individuals.

Strong currents and deep waters complicate rescue efforts to reach the Kok Tong community

Navigating through waist-deep water, and often much deeper sections, the team reached those in danger. At length, they used a combination of engine power and manual rowing to reach their destination.

The rescue operation in this community was particularly challenging. This was on account of the fast-moving waters and the strong current. Many teams had previously attempted to reach the area.

However, they were forced to turn back. Nonetheless, the Ruamkatanyu team was determined, pulling their boat through the currents to reach the stranded villagers.

Residents describe the worst flooding in 40-50 years. Rescue teams face challenges with limited supplies

For many residents, the flood has been the worst disaster in living memory. Seventy-year-old Ms. Maneepha Ritpho was one of the rescued individuals.

At length, she said she had never seen anything like it in the 40 years she had lived in the area. Initially sceptical about the need to move her belongings, she was caught off guard.

In brief, water began to rise rapidly on Wednesday morning of September 11. Within 30 minutes, her home was flooded. Consequently, she, along with her family, was stranded with no time to evacuate.

She expressed immense relief when the rescue team arrived. Before that, she spent the previous day calling for help as boats passed by.

Rescue workers face food shortages but nevertheless continue efforts to evacuate trapped flood victims

Rescue workers have faced multiple obstacles in helping flood victims. Mr. Chaiwat Kunthonthong is a member of the Ruamkatanyu Foundation from Lopburi Province. He explained that their team had only arrived that morning and immediately began assisting villagers.

By the end of the day, they had helped evacuate around 30 people. However, many more remain trapped, especially in the Ban Kok Tong community. Significantly, the team encountered a lack of appropriate food for the Muslim community.

The rescue workers did not have halal food on hand. Certainly, this complicated their efforts to provide relief.

Some Muslim villagers who had already been evacuated returned with lunch boxes to share with the rescue team. That situation highlights the disarray caused by these floods.

Authorities warn of rising Mekong River levels while rescue operations continue amid ongoing challenges

As floodwaters slowly begin to recede, authorities and rescue workers are cautioning against complacency. While some areas have seen a drop in water levels, the situation remains precarious.

Undoubtedly, the threat of further flooding persists. The heroic efforts of the rescue teams continue. They are working tirelessly to save lives and bring relief to the flood-stricken communities of northern Thailand.

In the meantime, the Mekong River Commission is warning of rising water levels on the river from Friday 13th to Tuesday 16th. By Tuesday, this will see a water level of up to 17.78 metres This will be up from a level of 16.45 metres on Friday.

Certainly, on Thursday, water in Nong Khai province had also begun to rise. During the day, it increased by over 1.13 metres. By Thursday evening, officials were talking about the highest levels seen in 50 years.

Across northern Thailand, there are fears that the river may burst its banks in places. On Thursday, all flights at Chiang Rai Airport were cancelled.

Thai officials acted even as water levels were rising in the badly hit Mae Sai district of the province. Weather experts explained that an acute depression has led to rainfall equivalent to 2-3 times the normal amount for the season.

Undoubtedly, residents in Mae Sai were expressing relief on Thursday, as the water level had gone down to a manageable level.

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