In a heated Philadelphia debate, Kamala Harris edged out Donald Trump, according to a YouGov poll. Harris led with 47% to Trump’s 43%, in polling during and after the ABC debate showcasing sharp contrasts on issues from abortion to foreign policy.

After Tuesday night’s debate in Philadelphia, most US media suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris was the winner. While various polls have confirmed this, others have suggested otherwise. Certainly, it was a heated tête-à-tête with both candidates engaging in intense debate. A YouGov poll released after the debate showed 47% believing Harris came out on top. However, a significant 43% sill favoured Trump particularly on the economy and immigration.

A heated debate between former President Donald Trump (left) and Vice President Kamala Harris was televised nationwide in the United States on Tuesday night by ABC TV. A YouGov poll published after the event shows that Harris had bettered Trump, although certainly not decisively. (Source: YouGov and ABC News)

With the 2024 US presidential election fast approaching, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump clashed in a highly anticipated debate on Tuesday night.

Both candidates, representing starkly different political visions, engaged in a heated exchange on critical issues such as abortion, immigration, the 2020 election, and foreign policy. This 90-minute televised debate, expected to draw millions of viewers, may shape the final stretch of the campaign.

Post-debate polling conducted by YouGov indicated a narrow victory for Harris, with 47% of viewers believing she performed better, compared to 43% who thought Trump came out on top.

The poll showed Harris performing well on reproductive rights and racial equality, while Trump gained ground on immigration and foreign policy. Overall, the debate did not dramatically shift voter sentiment, with both candidates largely consolidating their respective bases.

In the opening 15 minutes of the debate, Trump significantly appeared stronger than Harris on the economy. In a US election, that is always important.

Abortion: Harris’s focus on a key issue

One of the most significant moments of the night was the clash over abortion and reproductive rights, a cornerstone of the Harris campaign. Harris criticised Trump’s role in the 2022 Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which had protected the constitutional right to abortion since 1973.

Harris laid the blame squarely on Trump, who had appointed three of the six justices responsible for striking down Roe.

Trump, however, defended his stance, emphasising that the court’s decision reflected the will of the people. He claimed that voters in several states had shown support for stricter abortion regulations.

“The people wanted Roe overturned,” Trump said, highlighting how some states had moved to implement bans or restrictions on abortion in the wake of the ruling.

Harris countered by highlighting the real-life consequences for women, mentioning cases where healthcare providers denied care to pregnant women out of fear of prosecution.

“You want to talk about what people wanted?” she said. “Women bleeding out in parking lots because hospitals are afraid to treat them?”

According to the YouGov poll, Harris scored higher on this issue, with 54% of voters agreeing with her stance on reproductive rights, compared to 38% who sided with Trump.

Immigration: Trump’s signature issue

Trump directed much of the debate toward immigration, one of his most significant campaign issues.  In brief, he accused the Biden administration of mismanaging the US-Mexico border. He argued that illegal immigration had skyrocketed under Biden’s leadership. In turn, it creates security risks for American communities.

One of the more controversial moments occurred when Trump repeated outlandish claims. Previously, these were shared by his running mate Ohio Senator JD Vance. At length, Haitian migrants in Ohio were stealing household pets to eat.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. They’re eating the cats,” Trump said, despite local officials debunking these claims.

Harris dismissed these allegations as fear-mongering. She pointed to the administration’s efforts to manage immigration. She said it was with “both humanity and security in mind.” The Vice President emphasised the need for comprehensive immigration reform. At the same time, she condemned the use of “scare tactics” that harm immigrant communities.

Trump’s hardline stance on immigration resonated with his base. Certainly, the YouGov poll showed 51% of voters supporting his position on this issue. Significantly, this compared to 43% backing Harris’s approach.

2020 Election result: An unresolved debate

The debate also revisited the contentious issue of the 2020 presidential election. Trump, who has repeatedly refused to concede the election, again insisted on Tuesday night that the results were fraudulent. “There’s so much proof that it was stolen,” Trump said, though multiple courts and election officials found no evidence of widespread fraud.

Kamala Harris is flagging in the latest polls ahead of Tuesday night’s ABC TV Presidential debate in the US
Fortune smiles on Trump. Latest Nate Silver odds are a 58.2% chance of him winning back the Oval Office

Harris addressed Trump’s claims head-on. For instance, she reminded voters that Trump had been “fired by 81 million people” in the 2020 election. She stressed the importance of accepting election outcomes and preserving democratic institutions. Nonetheless, Trump continued to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the process.

Polls following the debate indicated that the electorate remains deeply divided on this issue. Trump’s supporters, particularly those who question the 2020 election, stood by him. Meanwhile, Harris’s remarks about protecting democracy resonated with voters who value the integrity of the electoral system.

The YouGov poll showed that 48% of voters sided with Harris’s defence of the election. Significantly, however, 45% continued to support Trump’s claims.

Divergent Views on Ukraine and Foreign Policy

After that, Foreign policy, particularly the war in Ukraine, became another significant point of contention during the debate. Trump was asked directly whether he wanted Ukraine to win the war against Russia. Certainly, he avoided giving a clear answer. “I want the war to stop,” Trump said. “I want to save lives, I want to get the war settled.”

Trump also highlighted his relationships with both Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Indeed, he stated that these leaders “respect” him, implying that this respect would lead to peace. He also criticised Biden’s foreign policy. At length, arguing that the current administration’s handling of the conflict was escalating tensions.

Harris, in response, underscored the importance of standing with Ukraine and defending democratic values. She emphasised that the US must remain committed to its allies. She insisted that Trump’s reluctance to support Ukraine risked undermining the global fight against authoritarianism.

Polling suggested that foreign policy was not a decisive factor for many voters. The YouGov poll showed that voters were evenly split on this issue. 50% backed Trump’s position and 50% agreed with Harris’s stance.

Harris responded to controversial comments on her race

Another key moment in the debate came when the topic of race and identity surfaced. Earlier in the campaign, Trump had questioned Harris’s racial identity. “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black.”

When pressed on the issue during the debate, Trump attempted to distance himself from his earlier comments. 

“I don’t care what she is. Whatever she wants to be is OK with me.” Harris responded by condemning what she saw as Trump’s repeated use of race to divide Americans. “We don’t want this kind of approach that is just constantly trying to divide us, especially by race,” she said.

While Harris’s defence of racial unity was well-received by her supporters, Trump’s comments did not seem to have a significant negative impact on his standing with his core base, who have consistently supported him through similar controversies. The YouGov poll showed that 52% of voters supported Harris’s handling of the issue of race. This was in contrast to 40% who agreed with Trump’s position.

A divisive debate with no clear winner

The Harris-Trump debate was a showcase of two sharply contrasting visions for America. Both candidates had strong moments. Harris focused on reproductive rights and racial equality.

Meanwhile,  Trump leaned heavily into immigration and scepticism about the 2020 election. The YouGov poll showed a near-even split in terms of voter reaction, with Harris edging out Trump by 47% to 43%.

As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen how much Tuesday night’s debate will influence undecided voters. With just weeks left, the focus will turn to rallying bases. In particular, winning over the critical swing states that could determine the outcome of the race.

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Further reading:

Kamala Harris is flagging in the latest polls ahead of Tuesday night’s ABC TV Presidential debate in the US

Fortune smiles on Trump. Latest Nate Silver odds are a 58.2% chance of him winning back the Oval office

Harris turns on the money taps as experts say the 2024 election will be even tighter than 2020

Trump pulls out all the stops as buoyant Kamala opens up a lead in three key battleground states

The prospect of America’s first female President has just opened up three months before the November poll

Trump resurgent with new running mate JD Vance as President Biden pulls out of the race

Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald Trump: Latest Updates and reactions from America

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