Young boy’s birthday joy overshadowed by his father’s fatal motorbike accident on the way to celebrate. Tragedy in Thailand highlights daily heartbreak on its roads, with 17 lives lost and 53 injured every 24 hours in motorbike accidents alone.

Behind a joyful gathering to celebrate a little 4-year-old boy’s birthday last Monday was heartbreak. A cake, candles, and a colourful backhoe toy were presented to the little man. However, the toy came only 1 km from the scene where his father had died in a harrowing accident as he tried to be with his son. The tragedy inevitably happens multiple times every day in Thailand. This is a story about motorbikes and Thailand’s roads to heartbreak.

The family of 31-year-old Mr. Sanya Senaphan, nicknamed Sai Fon, a single father who lost his life last Monday, July 29th. Mr. Sanya, a single father, was on the way to celebrate his 4-year-old son’s birthday. (Source: Saitharn Saphan Bun Rescue Association and Thai Rath)

A sick little boy celebrated his birthday last Monday at Sri Songkhram District Hospital in the upper part of northeastern Nakhon Phanom province in Thailand.

Nurses and family members gathered as a cake was brought with candles to be blown.

In addition, the little four-year-old, Nong Nam, was presented with toys, including a colourful backhoe excavator, a toy he had clamoured for previously.

Birthday celebration at Nakhon Phanom Hospital reveals poignant absence of the young birthday boy’s Father

However, amid the celebration attended by rescue workers and medical staff, there was a poignant and profound sadness. 

Nong Nam’s single-parent father was absent. The little boy did not know that just hours earlier, 31-year-old Mr. Sanya Senaphan, nicknamed Sai Fon, had died while travelling from his job to bring the toy gift to his son’s bedside.

Certainly present also was the young boy’s grandmother and Sai Fon’s aunt, 52-year-old Alisa Buakaew.

She put on a brave face, but later back home in Ban Phaeng District, preparations were being made for religious rites for the young boy’s father.

Afterwards, at home, she spoke to reporters about the tragic story.

Aunt shares tragic story of young 31-year-old single Father’s dedication and heartbreak he had suffered 

Firstly, she explained the background. 

Nong Nam’s mother had divorced his father just one month after he was born. The young man, a popular villager in the tight-knit community who played the flute at festivals, was devastated.

Nonetheless, he was committed to keeping his son.

The then 27-year-old new father’s parents had passed away years before. Ms. Alisa was the closest thing he had to family.

She told reporters how her nephew had come to her the day his wife walked out.

In short, he was heartbroken in his tears and sense of hurt. His aunt agreed with him at that moment to care for the little boy. In turn, his father would go to work and earn money.

Boy’s hospitalisation for influenza on July 21st last led to father’s tragic accident just eight days later

Presently, Nong Nam is in the hospital being treated for influenza. He was admitted on July 21st last, and both his great aunt and father took turns to care for him. 

On Monday, July 29th, he was coming from his job in an agricultural store when the accident happened. He was on his motorbike. 

As he approached a service station, a trailer truck went into reverse gear. Simultaneously, Mr. Sanya’s motorbike hit it in the rear. Afterwards, the news was broadcast on local media. 

Rescue teams arrived at the scene and found the young motorcyclist. Certainly, he had died instantly. However, there was sadness when the deceased’s backpack revealed the toy backhoe.

Following that, the rescue staff learned about Nong Nam’s birthday at the local hospital, just 1 km away from the scene.

Aunt recounts nephew’s final moments before the fatal accident on Monday as he  prepared to see his Son

Ms. Alisa, the victim’s heartbroken aunt, had spoken to him before he set out on his ill-fated journey. 

Of course, both were excited and looking forward to the little boy’s birthday party. 

“After the incident, a relative called and asked me to go and see if it was Mr. Sai Fon’s motorbike or not. At that time, I prayed that if it was my nephew, he would be safe. When I arrived, I saw the rescue workers covering the body with a white cloth, so I asked to see the face of the deceased. It turned out to be my nephew. I was shocked and started crying immediately. You see, I checked his bag and found a toy backhoe that he intended to surprise his son with on his birthday. I almost fainted because the birthday present never reached his son. Even now, I still don’t dare tell him that his father has passed away,” she explained. 

Thailand’s roads to heartbreak

In truth, this is just one of the tragedies that occur in Thailand each day linked to motorbikes. 

Shockingly, 17 people lose their lives every 24 hours due to motorbike accidents. This is according to government data from the Department of Land Transport. 

Furthermore, every single day, 53 more people are injured in these accidents, many with life-changing injuries requiring extensive medical care.

As the story of Little Nong Nam shows, it is difficult to grasp the staggering anguish and suffering of families facing these personal and familial catastrophes.

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Further reading:

Horror greets responders after shocking high-speed motorbike crash on Phuket road leaves three dead

Deadly danger of motorbikes in Thailand, 2 dead in 1 day while an Australian’s dreams are smashed

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Police investigate Ukrainian teacher’s death after a hit and run traffic incident in Sa Kaeo province

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