Dan or Mr Atsada, arrested by Thai police on Saturday in the Bang O subdistrict of Bang Phlat, was engaged in pornography and blackmail. After his arrest, he later admitted to a whole host of other crimes. 

Police brought down an out-of-control 19-year-old sex fiend on Saturday in the Bang O sub-district of Bangkok in Bang Phlat. Known as Dan or Atsada, the young man was trading in secretly filmed sex clips of his love conquests. He was wanted by police after attempting to blackmail a 17-year-old former girlfriend. However, when police executed a search warrant at his home, they found a 14-year-old in his bed. She had been incommunicado with her family on his orders since the Songkran holidays.

A task force, led by Inspector Jae, armed with an arrest warrant from Thonburi Court, arrested Mr Dan or Atsada on a street in the Bang O sub-district of Bangkok on Saturday. Officers later executed a search warrant and found a teenager, a 14-year-old, at his home. She had been incommunicado with her family since the Songkran holidays. The accused man blackmailed his former 17-year-old girlfriend and is accused by police of distributing pornography online.

Metropolitan Police Bureau officers on Saturday engaged in a thrilling motorbike chase with a 19-year-old wanted on an arrest warrant.

Dan, also known by his crime world handle ‘Land of Explosive Hearts,’ was wanted after a complaint of blackmail, sexual indecency and pornography made by the family of a 17-year-old girl. The complaint was filed at Bang Khun Thian Police Station.

In short, the family of the 17-year-old girl reported she had been threatened by the 19-year-old. 

A naked picture of the girl had been posted on her Facebook account.

Additionally, it appears the 19-year-old, also known as Mr Atsada, had taken many indecent clips while dating the young woman.

Messages from  the 19-year-old suspect contained explicit threats of blackmail as well as bravado as he claimed not to be afraid of police action against him

At length, police were shown messages from the young man both threatening the young woman and subsequently telling her he was unafraid of police action.

‘Aku is a police officer. My brother is a soldier,’ the brazen young man told the 17-year-old.

The case was brought to the attention of senior police with the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

On Sunday, Metropolitan Police Bureau chief Police Lieutenant General Thiti Saengsawang said he ordered this case to be given priority status. 

Certainly, senior police officers formed the view that the young man displayed a pattern of dangerous criminal behaviour.

Among the details filed in the case is that he had forced the young woman to take marijuana. Top police were assigned to track down Mr Atsada over the weekend. 

An arrest warrant was sought from the Criminal Court. In addition, they were assisted by the 17-year-old girl.

Police task force sent out on Saturday to bring in Mr Atsada on foot of an arrest warrant issued by Thonburi Criminal Court in Bangkok. Led by Inspector Jae

The task force was sent out to apprehend Dan or Mr Atsada under arrest warrant No. 352/2567 dated Wednesday, April 25, 2024.

It was issued by the Thonburi Criminal Court. The task force was led by Police Lieutenant Colonel Thanpirasit Chulphiphob or Inspector Jae.

On Saturday, intelligence led the officers to the Bang O area of the Bang Phlat district of Bangkok.

Furthermore, they were told that the suspect was engaged in marijuana use with a group of hippies in the area.

Police in Bangkok and Pattaya hunt down sexual monster who terrorised, raped scores of women with impunity

Officers eventually spotted the suspect’s motorbike emerging onto a nearby street in the city precinct. After confirming, by asking the 17-year-old, that it was indeed Mr Atsada, they moved in to arrest him.

However, Dan of the ‘Land of Explosive Hearts’ fame did not surrender peacefully. He engaged in a motorbike chase with officers also on motorbikes and cars.

Chase on motorbikes and crash eventually led to the arrest of the suspect in the Bang O  sub-district of Bangkok. Search warrant then executed by officers

Eventually, he was blocked on both sides of the street on Soi Charinsanitwong 85 in the Bang O Sub District of Bang Phlat.

In short, the suspect crashed his motorbike and attempted to flee on foot but was pulled down by experienced officers.

Afterwards, he was taken by arresting police to where he was living. Officers wished to execute a search warrant.

Inside the property, they found a 14-year-old girl asleep in the suspect’s bed. In addition, they discovered photos and video clips of the perpetrator engaging in sexual relations with the teenager.

Nonetheless, Ms Call, the 14-year-old, attempted to defend him. She claimed she was Mr Atsada’s girlfriend.

Police later discerned from her smartphone that there were no less than 100 unanswered calls and messages from the young girl’s family.

She had gone missing from home over the Songkran holiday period. Additionally, officers discovered that the culprit, Mr Dan, had also encouraged her to use marijuana.

Police uncovered evidence of sexual encounters with many young women kept by the accused 19-year-old who was running a pornography service from his home

Certainly, police also found evidence of sexual encounters with many young women. Similarly, there were chat messages where the sex fiend was engaged in selling the pornographic clips online.

Mr Atsada had recorded sex clips with many women which he subsequently used both to sell online and for blackmail purposes.

Taken into custody, police charged him with taking a minor from her parents.

In addition, he was similarly charged in relation to his previous 17-year-old girlfriend.

Furthermore, he faces charges of importing obscene images into a computer system as well as the production and distribution of pornography.

In brief, he was also accused of blackmailing his former girlfriend to return to him.

‘If you don’t come back, I will take your pornographic pictures and porn clips and post them on Twitter and on Facebook,’ he had written to her.

17-year-old former girlfriend refused to be cowed

However, she refused to be cowed by his threats. In turn, this led to him posting a nude shot of the girl on one of her Facebook posts.

He admitted to police he began dating the 17-year-old last year. The affair had lasted nine months.

Meanwhile, when he was told that a police complaint had been filed, he responded again with bravado.

‘I’m not afraid, the police can’t do anything to me. Agu is a policeman. My brother is a soldier. At most, it’s just a waste of money. I don’t want to give money to a woman who was once raped like you,’ he wrote. ‘The police can’t arrest me. I’m not at home and the police can’t find me.‘

Furthermore, he admitted to controlling the 14-year-old girl. 

He did not want her to communicate with her family so that she could forget about her ex-boyfriends.

Arrested man later admitted to an array of serious offences to police including a recent stabbing and a raid on a store in the Bang Bong area of Bangkok

Finally, the suspect admitted to an array of serious offences committed in the past few months. 

At the end of March 2024, he told police he had stabbed a teenager. This happened at Phuttha Yot Fa Bridge.

After that, he had stolen illegal drugs.

Meanwhile, he had also raided a shop on Soi 8 Ekkachai Road in the Bang Bon district of Bangkok.

At length, he regaled police officers by explaining the ‘Land of Exploding Hearts’ tattoo on his chest. He said it was still not complete. The tattooist had just been arrested by police in Phuket.

At this time, he is being held by investigators at Bang Khun Thian Police Station who are pursuing legal proceedings against him.

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Further reading:

Police in Bangkok and Pattaya hunt down sexual monster who terrorised, raped scores of women with impunity

Songkhla police solve horrendous case which saw a 15-year-old girl raped and murdered on the road

22 year old arrested in Nonthaburi for the rape and extortion of up to 20 women he befriended online

Mother of raped and murdered nine-year-old girl calls for the death penalty after killer’s arrest

Sadistic murderer ‘Ice Metal Casket’ sentenced for rape of a woman at gunpoint in latest conviction

Evil struck a Thai island on Sunday when a local brutally raped and murdered a German woman

Shocking rape and murder of German woman does not mean Thailand is unsafe for western women holidaying