A 54-year-old woman in Kanchanaburi province found murdered beside her bed at 30 minutes past midnight on Sunday morning had phoned her husband at work at 11 pm begging him to do something to save her life as she was attacked by their son.
A 62-year-old Thai husband raced home from work on Saturday night in a frantic dash to save his wife’s life after she called him at 11 pm amid a ferocious attack in which she was targeted by the couple’s drug-addicted son raving from the effects of crystal methamphetamine. As the married man drove home, his calls to his wife were left unanswered which led to Kanchanaburi police reaching the house 1-hour later to find the bloody and battered body of the 54-year-old woman beside her bed.
It later transpired that the 36-year-old son had brutally murdered his mother when one of his regular violent rampages, driven by his addiction to methamphetamine, finally went too far.

The drug addict named as Mr Aneke Klueabsuwan bashed his mother’s head into the corner of her bed leaving her with a gaping wound and a collapsed skull in his raging fury.
The nightmare scene was discovered by multiple police patrols who were dispatched to the home in the Tha Mak District in Kanchanaburi following urgent calls from the woman’s husband who summoned their help.
Already fearing for the woman’s life as police responded on Saturday night to the home
Units including patrol cars and motorbike police were sent to the home at number 339/1, on Phra Thaen Road by Police Colonel Suphachai Nakornpiamlap who is the Inspector of Police at Tha Ruea Police Station.
The senior officer, from intelligence and reports received, also arranged for paramedics from Makarak Hospital and a forensic team from the provincial police to respond to the incident. The information included alarming reports from the husband of the 54-year-old victim, Ms Sopee Punsombat, 62-year-old Mr Seri Rajasingho who made his way from his work in Ratchaburi province.
Deranged man attempting to leave the scene
Police officers arrived at the scene just as the deranged man was attempting to leave the house in his car after leaving behind a trail of destruction including the battered body of his mother.
The call to police at 191 from the husband of the victim came after Ms Sopee contacted her husband begging that someone do something to save her life.
Neighbours reported noise from 10 pm and the woman screaming for help – no one intervened
It is reported that the frantic husband rang neighbours in the area who told him that the outbreak of violence had begun at 10 pm.
The neighbours were terrified to intervene because of prior experience of dealing with the well built young man and his explosive nature.
Mr Anake had often beaten his mother before in regular outbreaks of violence.
Wife’s phone call came at 11 pm – husband believed she was in extreme danger and feared for her life
Mr Seri told police that his wife’s phone call came at 11 pm and he became aware that on his occasion she was in extreme danger and feared for her life.
His son Mr Anake was beyond control. He was ransacking the home as well as attacking and threatening his mother.
No response to husband’s calls from wife’s phone en route so he called 191 to summon Kanchanburi police
After leaving his work to head home to rescue his wife, he tried to make contact with her en route but there was no response. He then phoned neighbours who relayed to him their concerns at the activity from within the house. Neighbours later told police that they heard the woman screaming for help.
The husband finally called 191 to summon the help of Kanchanaburi police.
Police found the home destroyed inside when they entered and found the battered body of the woman
The media were briefed by Police Major Supachai Nkaorn Piamlar who said that police arrived at the home and entered it at 30 minutes after midnight on Sunday the 9th February.
When they entered the home, they found property and personal possessions damaged and broken throughout. There was an odour of blood pervading the house. In a bedroom, they found the body of 54-year-old Sopee Punsombat.
The room showed signs of prolonged violent struggle with bloodstains throughout. The woman’s body was found at the side of the bed with a deep wound on her left forehead which looked like the result of blunt force trauma.
Son charged by police with the manslaughter
Police had been assisted by concerned neighbours when they arrived and arrested the drug-crazed killer who had exited the house just at that time as he attempted to escape.
The arrested man was taken to Tha Rua police station where it is reported that he has been charged with the manslaughter of his mother and possession of drugs. Police are trying to ascertain from him who sold him the illicit narcotics and ticket to murder.
Further reading:
Evil struck a Thai island on Sunday when a local brutally raped and murdered a German woman