A humorous story from northern Thailand highlights the varied role of the Royal Thai police across the nation. For once, it is a story that ended well for all those involved. Geckos or house lizards are ubiquitous in Thailand being found in most buildings. They are not harmful or venomous. Many Thai people, in fact, consider them a harbinger of good fortune.
Thai police, this week, were called to a dangerous standoff off at a residence in Bueng Kan in northern Thailand. At the scene, senior staff sergeant Montri Nanam was the hero of the hour when he came from behind to take out a gecko who had denied entry to three frightened Thai women who had radioed the local police for assistance in a tense standoff.

Thai police faced a rigorous test on Thursday when called into play in an emergency situation in Bueng Kan province to deal with a late night home invasion. The indent occurred in the Bueng Khong Long area of the province in northeastern Thailand.
The perpetrator of the crime was a fearsome ten inch gecko. The appearance of the reptilian creature had caused terror and consternation at the scene, it was reported. Three desperate Thai women had called the police to assist.
Women left frozen with fear as reptile occupies doorway into their home as night fell
On arrival at the scene of the incident, police observed the creature in the process of annihilating insects who had accumulated around a lamp at the front door of the home. Luckily for the occupants of the house, the deadly creature showed no signs of hostility but the women who live at the house, were nevertheless left frozen with fear.
Royal Thai police in Bueng Kan to the rescue
The bravery of one of the Royal Thai Police force’s finest helped resolve the fearful standoff. Senior Sergeant Montri Nanam afterwards played down the critical nature of the standoff. ‘I’m not scared of geckos,’ he told the press. ‘I waited until it was engrossed by insects, went behind its back, seized its head, and removed it from the door.’
All part of the service although some Thai citizens online did not agree with the use of police time
With the standoff ended, the residents of the house were allowed to safely enter the abode. The story was published by the Thai Police in northern Thailand to highlight the varied nature of their duties and services to the public. One Facebook fan and concerned citizen was however not amused. ‘Is that your duty? Your duty is to arrest thieves. Leave geckos to the responsibility of their husbands.’
Gecko released pending charges
In the aftermath of the decisive police operation, the police force have not named the three women who called for official intervention in the situation. They also report that the gecko has now been formally been released pending a decision on whether to charge him with trespassing on private property.
Geckos well received by Thai people and are neither harmful to humans nor venomous
Geckos are one of a myriad of creatures that are seen in Thailand. They are generally well received by Thai people who see them as a predator which preys on insects and other pests. They are not harmful to humans. The small house gecko is called a house lizard and is not venomous.
Nocturnal creatures can live for up to five years
The creatures are nocturnal and come out at night seeking insects. They can often be seen in Thailand within buildings, climbing walls. Some can grow up to 6 inches in length and can live for up to 5 years. The large geckos may bite humans but their bites are harmless and do not pierce the skin.
Geckos have a spiritual meaning in Thailand
To many Thai people, these creatures have a spiritual meaning. In Thailand, they are generally recognized as harbingers of good fortune. Some experts claim to be able to tell from the distinct calls and sounds they make, what exactly is the nature of the good fortune that is pending.