According to little Omar’s uncle in Jordan, the holiday to Thailand was a ruse to get his wife and child out of the local jurisdiction and leave the little boy behind in Thailand. The evil 52 year old father even arranged a separate passport for his 2 year old boy. Once in Thailand, he tried to coax his wife to give her child up. It is reported that the Wael Nabil Salman Zureikat has been only married to the little boy’s mother, 22 year old Adyan Al-Ali, for three years. When his young wife became pregnant one year after their marriage, the trader implored his wife to have an abortion. He was concerned with the cost of rearing the young boy on his finances. She adamantly refused and subsequently refused his repeated requests to give up their son. This week, Zureikat told the Thai media that he was a poor man and that his wife had placed him under stress with financial demands including the holiday to Thailand. He has admitted to Thai police that he killed his son last Friday at the Bali Pier in Pattaya by binding him to his walker and tipping him into the sea below. He has been charged with pre meditated murder and will now face justice before the Thai courts.
More news has emerged about the 52 year old Jordanian man who, last Friday March 8th, killed his 2 year old by binding him to a baby stroller and tipping into the sea at the Bali Pier in Pattaya. An uncle of little Omar Zureikat has revealed that the boy’s father had never accepted his child and had even pressurized his 22 year old wife into having an abortion when she became pregnant 1 year after they had wed. The couple have only been married for three years. It is also reported that Wael Nabil Salman Zureikat is a trader in Jordan and seen there as a wealthy man. However, it appears that the 52 year old Zureikat did not think so. He implored his wife to give up the child for the sake of their financial well being. The boy’s uncle revealed that little Omar’s mother, Adyan Al-Ali, had phoned home to Jordan before last Friday’s tragic events unfolded. She was distraught and revealed that her husband’s intention behind the holiday was to leave the boy behind in Thailand.

The 52 year old Jordanian man who killed his two year old baby boy by throwing him into the sea at a Pattaya pier has made an even more extensive confession to Thai police over the incident. On Thursday, he reenacted the unspeakable crime in the company of police and the media at the Pattaya pier showing exactly where he tipped the baby walker over the edge with his young son bound to it.
Baby Omar’s uncle has been speaking to the press in Jordan and also the boy’s mother in Thailand
It is reported from sources in Jordan, thought to include the baby Omar’s uncle Issam Al-Ali, that the man named as Wael Nabil Salman Zureikat had repeatedly tried, before the child as born, to convince his wife, a 22 year old woman named as Adyan Al-Ali, to abort the child at the time of her pregnancy with Omar. The couple were only married three years ago and the young woman found herself pregnant with Omar a year later. The young woman and wife adamantly and consistently refused his request.
Issam Al-Ali told Jordan’s Royal News TV website that even when the child was born, he began to request that the mother give up her baby and all claims to him. Again, the young mother steadfastly refused comply with her husband’s wishes.
Trip to Thailand to reconcile the couple’s differences
After continuously failing to get the mother to part with her handsome son Omar, the boy’s older father eventually alighted on a new approach. He told the media on Thursday that his young wife had constantly harangued him for not traveling on a plane. He told his young wife in Jordan that he had decided to take her and the little boy on a holiday to Thailand. He held this out as a way to resolve their problems and the growing conflict between each other. But the 52 year old’s plan for a resolution was not what his wife expected. He even took care to organize a separate passport for little Omar from his mother for the trip abroad.
Sinister plan all along to lose his son and not bring him home from Thailand
The evil father’s plan all along, according to the little boy’s uncle in Jordan, had been to desert his son in Thailand once away from local authorities in the Kingdom of Jordan. The boy’s uncle, Issam Al-Ali, has told the media in Jordan that once the couple had arrived in Thailand, the 52 year old father, Wael Nabil Salman Zureikat, began to pressurize the woman into again into parting with her son in Thailand. The father pleaded with his young wife that the cost of rearing the boy would have and was already having a devastating impact on their financial affairs. It is reported that Zureikat is a trader in Jordan and has been thought of as a man of wealth. However, while in the custody of Thai police last Thursday, reenacting the crime and speaking with the press, the Jordanian man who killed his son, insisted that he was a poor man.
‘Not make money, cannot go anyplace, my wife pushed me here’ – Jordanian blames wife
At one point in his rambling monologue, Zureikat showed his hand with what looked like a deep scratch which he indicated his wife had inflicted on him. ‘I have stress, too much stress from my wife, this wife,’ he said. He told reporters that he was an old man with no business and no money. ‘Not make money, cannot go any place, my wife pushed me here, I don’t want to come because I have no money,’ he said in what appeared sometimes as incoherent and other times, contradictory statements. The couple had been staying in a Pattaya hotel when they first arrived on holidays and the Jordanian was able to find a separate apartment when he fled from his wife last Friday after he had killed their son but refused to reveal the boy’s fate to his wife.
The 52 year old explained his plight to amazed reporters and police in Pattaya on Thursday last. He said his young wife wanted to see a plane or apparently travel. ‘She want to see the plane, she cannot understand me, make me crazy, my body no good, fighting me,’ he said and this is when he showed reporters his deeply scratched arm.
Things came to a head last Friday in Pattaya
At the Pattaya hotel last Friday, March 8th, when things came to a head, the Jordanian again used subterfuge to pursue his goal of being rid of his 2 year old son. Little Omar’s uncle has told the media in Jordan that the boy’s 22 year old mother, Adyan Al-Ali, phoned home. She was distraught with the news of what her husband wanted to do with their young child on holiday.
Father offered to take the 2 year old boy for a walk from which he never returned
At that point, the husband took her smartphone and told her to pack their bags as they would return immediately to Amman, Jordan’s capital city. He plausibly suggested that while she was packing the bags, he would take the child and buy some essentials for their son. It would appear at this point that the Jordanian father had murder in his heart.
This is when he took the child in his baby stroller and walked him to the beautiful Bali Pier in the south side of Pattaya City. Last Thursday 14th March, he showed police just what he had done six days previously on March 8th. Crime reenactments are a normal investigative procedure used by Thai police. He wheeled the stroller to the edge of the open pier with some tubular railings but which is very much open to the sea. He bound his child to the stroller and tipped it into the sea below. It was a heartless, heinous crime. He had finally succeeded in ending his son’s life and removing him from his own.
Jordanian told his wife she must relinquish her son even after he murdered the child
The Jordanian returned to his hotel. He has repeatedly said that he did not tell his wife what he done to the child at any point despite his wife’s disquiet. He has revealed that he became agitated himself with the magnitude of his actions bordering on a nervous breakdown. Omar’s uncle Issam Al-Ali told the press in Jordan that at that point, as his wife became excited as any mother with natural instincts would, he told her that he had left the boy with friends. Another lie. Again, he tried to coerce his wife into giving up their son even though he already knew, at that point, that their baby boy was as good as dead. He told his wife that she must relinquish any claim to the child if she wanted to have any hope of seeing him again.
Distraught mother tried in vain to find her son
The distraught mother fled from the hotel to search for her boy but she could not find him. It has been reported that the 52 year old husband and father left his wife that night after she furiously attacked him. The woman later filed a missing person’s report with Thai police on Sunday.
Sight of little boy’s body on a Pattaya beach an emotional one for police and rescue workers
Thai police tracked the man down to a rented apartment on Monday. Interviewed at that point, he denied any knowledge of where his son might me. The poor little boy’s body was found be a local speed boat operator and fishermen later that day in the water. His body had been adrift, still attached to the stroller, for over three days. The body and stroller lay on a Pattaya beach early last week as the tide washed in and out as police carried out their investigative procedures near where the body had washed up. It was covered over with a blue blanket. It was left on the sand for some time, still attached to the stroller, with one of Omar’s little feet laid on the surface and visible. It was an emotional scene for many rescue workers and investigating police.
Jordanian will face a Thai court charged with premeditated murder of his 2 year old son
Thailand’s still retains the death penalty for murder in such circumstances. It may be that the man’s emotional state and later cooperation with investigating police will become mitigating factors. It will be a difficult case for a Thai court to hear and ultimately adjudicate on. The man has been charged with the premeditated murder of his son and will now face prosecution for his crime in Thailand. An autopsy on little Omar’s body has been carried out and the little Jordanian is expected to be buried in Thailand according to press reports. Earlier this week, it was reported that his 22 year old mother was receiving medical treatment for trauma and depression in Thailand.