Raise your brand among the affluent, influential readers on Thailand’s international online newspaper

The international face of Thailand for a worldwide audience seeking hard-hitting and incisive news coverage of the kingdom. We offer high-quality display ad campaign services and sponsored articles or a PR news service through our Examiner PR Bureau on our fast-growing online national newspaper for a discerning international audience.

The Thai Examiner is a quality news service and online newspaper aimed at a well-travelled and cosmopolitan market comprised of expats in Thailand, English speaking Thais seeking an objective, honest and balanced news source and frequent travellers here – a worldwide audience of people who take an interest in affairs in the kingdom. Our readers range from financial analysts to former expats, those with a second home in this unique country to communities of Thais now driving a growing diaspora throughout the world. 

The Thai Examiner is interested in hearing from anyone who would like to explore our advertising opportunities.

As well as our online display advertisement packages with big sizes, we offer a high quality, discerning article service through our Examiner PR Bureau.

We sell impressions that you can see being delivered on your ad campaign as you go. But we also provide old fashioned support to help you with ad execution and service.

High powered advertising and PR campaigns that enhance your brand and raise awareness

Email us for a quote for effective advertising on a quality news service and online newspaper aimed at a well-travelled and cosmopolitan market.

We can put a high powered advertising and PR campaign at the centre of your sales and marketing operation to reach active, high spending customers who promise a return and even more importantly, to enhance your brand and confidence in your business among our audience.

We are selective about the type of advertising we will accept as we wish to maintain the confidence of our readers.

The Thai Examiner has just begun a process of creating a real, large and active community of foreigners to Thailand.

We value our readers as we will also value you as an advertiser no matter how low your spend is.

The best advertising you can buy. A Thai Examiner PR article

Start a trial campaign – email us now

Set up a small trial campaign and see how our system works for you.

Email us and send us more information about your business, product or service. If it is beneficial to our audience we will help you develop practical low-cost proposals. 

You can also access our advertising through Google’s Adsense system which we also highly recommend to you for its unparalleled targeting ability and flexibility.

Raise your flag within Thailand’s global English speaking market in the kingdom and worldwide

Broad, young and affluent market from international travellers and fans of the kingdom to the western expat population who are avid news readers.

Today’s advertising market is very fragmented and requires an extra effort to create the sort of response that used to be associated with old fashioned mainstream media.

For smaller advertisers, social networks and search engines offer low-cost options but you are never sure if you’re hitting the market without spending large amounts of money. 

Thai Examiner is like a flag in targeting a valuable market around which you can expand with other media but which also, over time, will get you recognition among this affluent market who are:

  • Foreigners to Thailand.
  • Active 25 to 34-year-old readers in the kingdom as well as in all western countries particularly the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.
  • More men than women.
  • High spenders on hotels and travel.
  • Avid newsreaders.
  • Heavy users of banking products, media and internet devices.
  • High spenders and professionals.

Advertising rates

Ad Size 1 Month 3 Months
Impressions 40,000* 120,000*
550×250 $125.00 $337.00
336×280 $100.00 $270.00
1200×280 $150.00 $400.00

To begin advertising – just follow these steps:

  1. Email advertising@thaiexaminer.com specifying which ad size and the number of impressions required. You may also ask for a customised quote.
  2. We will email you back with an account link and order quotation.
  3. Payment for all advertising campaigns is in advance and your order quotation will specify our bank details.
  4. Our support team will assist you in preparing the copy for the advertisement. An advertisement designed by us will cost $150 if required and must be paid for separately. We will send you an invoice within your account link which should be paid for before the advertisement is prepared and delivered in a preview mode which can be perfected as per your instructions.
  5. On payment of your media order/ pro forma invoice, your ad campaign will commence.
  6. You will have a link showing the execution of the campaign day by day until it is complete.
  7. All advertisements are run throughout our website but each of the three sizes has a different position on the pages of our online newspaper which your Thai Examiner sales executive will explain and point out to you.

Sponsored Articles – PR News

We offer a sponsored content service to select clients only where the news may be of benefit or interest to our readers. The content is published within our PR News section by the Examiner PR Bureau and may also be carried by our main news service and syndicated network where appropriate.

Thai Examiner runs a quality sponsored article service according to strict guidelines, demanding criteria and principles designed to protect the integrity of our publication and sponsors.

Our service means that we do not, under any circumstances, publish pre-prepared or packaged content. We insist on editorial control over all content published in our online newspaper.

Our service will not accept or publish any material which attempts to mislead or manipulate our readers or is false, untrue or of a dishonest nature in any way.

This includes attempts, schemes or a motive to manipulate search engine results or anything of that nature.

We offer a sponsored content service to select clients only where the news may be of benefit or genuine interest and service to our readers.

The content is published within our PR News section by the Examiner PR Bureau and may also be carried by our main news service and syndicated networks where appropriate.

Start your sponsored article initiative here – it’s not a cost but a permanent brand and income investment

All articles published must first of all be paid for including the preparation of the editorial content.

To order or enquire about our sponsored article service email: advertising@thaiexaminer.com and our sales representative will guide you through the process, terms and conditions.

All our articles remain online forever provided they pass our strict screening, editorial requirements and standards. This is a brand investment and not a cost.

PR News sponsored article service – tariff of charges:

Preparation of one article from 600 to 1,500 words: $250
Publication of the article on the Thai Examiner: $750

The process for this includes:

  1. Sending you an account and proforma invoice for $250 to have a sponsored article prepared by the Examiner PR Bureau. Payment of the invoice is on the basis that the final article remains the property of the Thai Examiner which retains copyright and full editorial control over the piece which may also be published on other services and syndicated international platforms linked with the Thai Examiner.
  2. This includes video, audio and other materials which may also be produced to accompany the article.
  3. Once the article is completed, the fee for its publication of $750 will be raised as the invoice must be paid before the editorial piece is published under our PR News section but may also be published live on other news feeds and services where it is deemed appropriate.
  4. There is a strict quota limit on the number of these articles that may mean a delay in publication. Advanced planning and preparation is important.

    An account and proforma invoice for $250 to have a sponsored article prepared by the Examiner PR Bureau. Payment of the invoice is on the basis that the final article remains the property of the Thai Examiner which retains copyright and full editorial control over the piece.
  5. All Thai Examiner articles are subject to strict quality control principles to preserve the integrity of the Thai Examiner, the reputation of the sponsor and the trust between our publication and its readers. To find out more, please visit our guide to Thai Examiner sponsored articles and Examiner PR Bureau service:

Examiner launches PR Bureau news service on a commercial basis but to the highest ethical standards

Build your brand among foreigners in Thailand and worldwide with big display ads and PR ideas

We are building a new Thai international community for foreigners in Thailand, Thai people who live abroad or want a new approach to national news in Thailand as well as foreigners who are regular visitors or simply fans of the kingdom.

The Thai Examiner has value to bring to this market. We have a mission to help build brands and make a bigger and better community of foreigners in Thailand.

Part of that community is a select group of advertisers and brands that are part of the story.

Big display ads, low rates that will make you smile

We are offer our advertisers extremely low advertising rates on millions of impressions which you pay for as you go, testing the reaction and response.

We offer our advertisers extremely low advertising rates on millions of impressions which you pay for as you go, testing the reaction and response.

We are also offering a package to support these campaigns with PR ideas and advertising execution services if you are interested.

You can also simply set up your account, upload your ad and test the reaction on a minimal spend.

We believe that high visibility display ads can be particularly effective in building your name and brand and we’ve designed our ad packages accordingly.

To begin, get your Thai Examiner ad account by emailing us. Try one of our low-cost introductory offers or let us know what we can do for you.

Email us now at: advertising@thaiexaminer.com

Begin getting your ad message out to high spending foreigners in Thailand within minutes

Be part of a growing and exciting news community of foreigners to Thailand with your business.

We offer an opportunity to reach new markets and build a new profile for your business if it targets foreigners to Thailand.

Whether it is an advertising campaign to build your brand or awareness in the long term or a campaign to bring your message to a newer audience at a lower cost, the Thai Examiner is a business opportunity.

Our online newspaper is a unique advertising vehicle that targets the most influential and high spending foreigners to Thailand.

These are 20 to 44-year-olds who have more spending power and use it while visiting Thailand and also living in the kingdom.

While our readership is changing rapidly because it is increasing, we will publish snapshots from Google analytics to keep you updated on our market and reach.

Our incisive, honest and balanced news reporting appeals to a more affluent and younger market while encompassing all foreigners who visit Thailand, are regular visitors and who are living in the kingdom.

Millions of adults worldwide have an avid interest in Thailand.

Reach up to 1 million high spending readers over a 6 to 8 week period with a cost-effective package

Our growing readership means that your campaigns can reach an audience of up to 1,000,000 readers over a 6 to 8 week period.

Our advertising rates are designed to be competitive. You can pay for your advertising in small advertising packages and watch updated reports on your account as your campaign progresses.

Benefits of advertising with Thai Examiner:

  • Reach a new audience for your product or service if you are targeting visitors to Thailand or foreigners living in the country.
  • The most economical rates.
  • Ad production services.
  • PR and editorial services to support your campaign provided that your business or services matches our standards and goals and similarly that ours do yours.
  • Reach higher spending adults when they are younger, more affluent and more active.
  • Be a part of a new emerging news community in Thailand as an anchor advertiser.
  • Use large display ad sizes and see your advertisements reach a variety of readers across all our key pages.

Your ad can be online within 72 hours of placing your booking and emailing us.

However, approval can, in certain situations, take longer.

Our advertising sales team will deal with you in an efficient and friendly manner.

A news website for foreigners to Thailand and an affinity with the kingdom that provides insight

It’s a younger profile and active set of readers for advertisers looking for a unique opportunity to engage active and high spending readers in an active hard-hitting news environment targeting a strategically important market.

We are followed by a growing number of foreigners who have forged links or developed an affinity with Thailand in a new globalised world.

Defining and explaining Thai news for intelligent western foreigners living in and visiting Thailand

We aim to build a community of western foreigners who love Thailand, are associated with the country and wish to develop a deeper understanding of its unique culture through its day to day current affairs and in-depth news coverage of issues from the perspective of western foreigners. 

Our news service believes that Thailand’s culture and heritage must be respected by westerners even where it sometimes seems to conflict with prevailing public opinion in the West. 

Many of our readers are young western men and women fascinated by the country’s culture as well as those who regularly visit or choose to retire in Thailand. 

Thai Examiner also has Thai nationals as readers interested in our objective news reporting and seeing how the kingdom is viewed abroad.

Thai Examiner – a news based new community for foreigners who love Thailand in a new age of influence

It is primarily an online national newspaper aimed at foreigners who live here or who visit it either sporadically as tourists or foreigners who are regular visitors to the kingdom which is a growing trend as Thailand, the second-largest economy in Southeast Asia, a key regional player within the ASEAN community, grows in influence not least though its growing connections and relationships with the western world.

This is despite the country’s very real problems including its propensity for military coups, political instability, a democratic deficit and growing inequality which has been exacerbated by the pandemic.

The reason for our optimism is the people of Thailand who are warm-hearted, creative and extremely hard working.

Among our readers also is the growing Thai expatriate community worldwide and their partners in foreign countries who develop an affinity with the land that brought them love and a new life.

Thai Examiner is a news outlet for all foreigners who love Thailand and its unique culture.

Dynamic environment and community 

The Thai Examiner is for foreigners to Thailand particularly westerner foreigners who live in Thailand, are regular visitors to the country or people who have an interest in the country. With nearly 40 million visitors a year and a growing following among 20 to 40-year-olds, Thailand is perhaps the most popular country in the world for travellers.

The Thai Examiner aims to create nothing less than a dynamic new community for foreigners who love the kingdom.

It offers a unique view of the country and a deeper understanding of the country and its current affairs.

We are a building community whose goal is to promote and advance the interests of Thailand, with its unique culture and tradition, around the world with all the respect due to the unique nature of the country, its traditions and history. 

The philosophy of the Thai Examiner is that Thailand is a country for Thai people which cherishes its own identity and that the most respectful and constructive thing that foreigners can do is to respect and even protect that culture and difference.

Become a reader and deepen your understanding of Thailand and its relationship with foreigners

Become a Thai Examiner reader today and begin your journey to deepening your understanding of Thailand and meeting new friends who share your passion including some Thai people themselves. 

Huge change in the western world prompts some men and women to ‘getaway’ to Thailand

For many foreigners living in western countries, this is a country that they would like to return to or dream of relocating to.

The reasons for this are complex.

The low cost of living and laid back atmosphere enhanced by the weather is the product of a less highly geared economy. 

The Thai Examiner is designed for this audience including worldwide readers thinking of relocating here. While it is currently in English, the site is also available in Thai, German, French and a range of popular worldwide languages to which your device will adjust automatically.

Many foreigners, men and women, but with an emphasis on men are thinking about moving away from the hectic though very well paid life in western countries.

It could be a variety of reasons from high taxation, property prices and regulation.

There are huge changes in western countries. This includes a reduction in the marriage rate and a shift in the nature of society. For instance, in the last 12 years, marriage rates in the UK have dropped by 56% for men and a massive 66% for women. 

In the meantime, there continues to be a high level of immigration in a new global world.

In recent years, this has unfortunately triggered a divided and increasingly, a strife-ridden and polarised political environment in many western countries.

A growing number of western men and women are now also embracing immigration and looking at Thailand as a ‘getaway’ or part-time home. For older western men it has always been an attractive retirement option.

Popularity of Buddhism and Thai culture

The growth in the popularity of Buddhism in western countries has also brought about an interest in Thailand.

The attraction of the kingdom for western men and indeed women is the unique and powerful nature of the country’s tradition and heritage.

It is an intoxicating mix between a powerful ancient tradition fully alive in the modern world but combined with all the comfort and convenience of modern life. 

Thailand has Netflix, McDonalds, 7 Eleven and 24-hour pizza delivery – all the comforts of home with low property prices and taxes added to a warm welcoming host population and a lower cost of living.

Welcome to the world of Thai Examiner, an experience that is not only informative, entertaining, rewarding but also directly contributes to a world that is just a little better

Thai Examiner targets readers in Thailand and all over the world with up to 1,000,000 users every month

If you’re interested in foreigners to Thailand then the Thai Examiner should be at the centre of your marketing and advertising effort.

Reach young, active foreigners who are regular visitors to this country, planning to live here or already living in the land of smiles. This is a low-cost solution and it offers other exciting marketing possibilities.

Thailand is a country that is among the world’s most popular tourist destinations.

Bangkok is the most visited city in the world. It’s not surprising that Thai Examiner, established in 2014, is reaching up to 1,000,000 readers across the world primarily in western countries. 

All our advertising packages are sold on impression in units of 1,000, so our advertisers will only pay as they go for advertising that is seen.

Advertisers can monitor campaigns on their Thai Examiner account.

Fans, visitors to and residents in Thailand

The maps shown in this presentation are from Google showing the intensity of our listenership worldwide. 

We aim to exceed these figures and build a strong and rewarding community of members who can share knowledge and through interaction, learn even more about Thailand.

Our unique news coverage of Thailand puts Thailand in perspective for western readers.

The following are key benefits for our users:

  • In-depth news coverage of Thai issues offering an understanding for western readers.
  • Day to day news in Thailand with this unique perspective.

If you want to become a news leader on Thailand then you should be a regular Thai Examiner reader. 

Over an extended period reach millions of foreigners who love Thailand in a positive environment

For advertisers, our site offers initial cheap rates with big display sizes and a very low cost per thousand rate for impressions.

You can order your campaign online, open your account and see your campaign progress in a clear and coordinated way. 

Thai Examiner is a unique opportunity for advertisers who wish to build a profile among foreigners to Thailand on a high-quality site.

If you’re already using social media and other networks, with a small advertising budget, you can build Thai Examiner into your plans and it offers guaranteed returns over extended periods.

66% of Thai Examiner readers are men

Many would think that westerners living in Thailand or with attachments to the kingdom would be predominantly men. Well, it is a bigger part of our readership but the relationship with Thailand and the rest of the world also involves women.

The Thai Examiner is weighted towards male readers which is a reflection of the profile of western visitors and residents in Thailand.

Deeper research has shown that the female readers are half made up of affluent English speaking Thai women while the other half are western women who want to learn about Thailand and its unique culture. 

Many of these are from the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe.

Thailand’s appeal to tourists is no longer about sex for sale but the country’s authentic and unique heritage which inspires a spirit of personal freedom

Thailand is a country that has fascinated people all over the western world since the East was first explored by traders five hundred years ago. 

In the last sixty years, Thailand developed a tabloid reputation due to its notorious sex industry which coincided with the explosion of its tourist industry.

The secret of Thailand’s appeal to foreigners and westerners today is not based on the sex for sale industry but rather on Thailand’s unique culture and way of life. 

In the last decade, before the pandemic catastrophe, the Thai tourist industry has reinvented the kingdom’s perception and this has brought about a huge interest and influx of young western women.

However, the majority of western born adult residents in Thailand are men as well as those who are regular visitors to the country or have attachments to it such as property or a relationship. 

The reason for this may have something to do with the balmy weather, exotic surroundings, the genuine warmth and the generosity of Thai people.

It may be all these things but the key reason, as many western fans of Thailand will try to explain, is the sense of personal freedom that immediately comes to life when westerners land in Thailand and which local people value for themselves.

We value our minority female readership

Deeper research has shown that the female readers are half made up of affluent English speaking Thai women while the other half are western women who want to learn about Thailand and its unique culture.

The figures shown are based on Thai Examiner users as detailed by Google but our advertising and marketing team will update the figures at regular intervals.

The Thai Examiner is targeted at westerners living in Thailand or those with an interest in the country but also Thai men and women interested in how foreigners perceive Thailand and who want to learn more about foreigners to the country. 

It’s a two-way street, a rewarding exchange. Many of our female readers are also educated Thai men and women living abroad in western countries.

Breakdown of men reading the Thai Examiner:

  • Western men living in Thailand.
  • Western men who travel to Thailand regularly.
  • Professionals worldwide with an interest in Thailand particularly in the financial sector.
  • Worldwide fans of the kingdom.
  • Young adults, male and female, thinking about holidaying in the country.
  • Western men thinking of relocating to Thailand and buying property full-time or partially.

Breakdown of women reading the Thai Examiner:

  • Young women thinking of holidaying in Thailand.
  • Female professionals studying Thailand.
  • Thai women living in western countries.
  • Western women particularly in the United States, UK, Europe and Australia are interested in Thailand.

Thai Examiner is big in the USA, UK, Europe and Australia – welcome to the international Thai market

Thai Examiner offers advertisers a unique and effective way to reach western foreigners who love Thailand and who have disposable incomes.

Our active, young readership live in Thailand, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and countries from which western visitors travel to the kingdom.

The Thai Examiner is for foreigners to Thailand particularly westerner foreigners who live here, are regular visitors to the country or people who have an interest in the kingdom.

With nearly 40 million visitors a year and a growing following among 20 to 40-year-olds, Thailand is perhaps the most popular country in the world for visitors.

It is also a country that many western foreigners now identify as a place that has a special association for them.

Every year, millions of western foreigners visit Thailand. Many have been visiting the country on a routine basis for up to forty years.

The growth of the internet, cheaper airfares and the attractive cost of living are some of the reasons why many have made Thailand a veritable second home from home. 

Many young westerners in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the United States have made Thailand the place where they spend their spare time.

The last two decades have given westerners more reason to love Thailand and move to live here

Added to this are new groups that have merged in the last two decades. More western women are now regular visitors to Thailand also.

Many western men and women have purchased condominiums in the country while more and more western men retire to Thailand aged 50 and over.

There has also been a growth in western men and women moving to the kingdom and its developing economy to escape the ‘rat race’ of living in the western world which many have come to see as too highly developed.

This group including younger and well-paid professions are currently being tagged by the Thai government in a new campaign to encourage up to one million western professionals to settle in Thailand:

Economic plan to put the smile back in Thailand’s appeal to western foreigners to live and work

Many western expats who move to the country feel that their highly evolved life at home has become too pressurised, expensive and taxed.

This is the economic and political element of the movement but there is also a spiritual one.

Many westerners come to Thailand looking for spiritual healing and fulfilment found in Thailand’s Buddhism religion. Thailand is a country that enjoys religious freedom with vibrant Muslim, Christian, Catholic traditions also to be found in the Kingdom.

Thai Examiner – speaks to foreigners to Thailand

Welcome to the new Thai world which the Thai Examiner speaks to.

The Thai Examiner is designed for this audience including worldwide readers thinking of relocating to Thailand.

While it is currently in English the site is also available in Thai, German, French and a range of popular worldwide languages to which your device will adjust automatically. 

The key language of the site will remain English but we hope to introduce Thai coverage very soon.

Thai Examiner is popular in Thailand, USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Europe and with western people who love life in Thailand and who visit often

Currently, the leading countries for Thai Examiner users include Thailand, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Singapore.

However, the site has readers in every European country.

The number of readers located in Thailand will grow with the increased popularity of our online newspaper.

Our readers are international western travellers to Thailand and foreigners who live in Thailand

Thai Examiner listeners are international, speak English and spend a lot of money on travel and hotel facilities.

Our readers are responsible individuals who have an interest in Thailand.

If you are a business that is targeting regular visitors or travellers to Thailand, then this advertising vehicle should be at the centre of your campaigns. 

Most Thai Examiner younger readers with spending power, under 34 with a 25 to 34-year-old emphasis

With nearly 40 million visitors a year and a growing following among 20 to 40-year-olds, Thailand is perhaps the most popular country in the world for visitors.

This is a news website for foreigners to Thailand which captures active and intelligent young, high spending readers as well as older readers.

With cheap low rates, big ad display sizes and pay as you go account, this is a real sales and marketing opportunity.

Take it, open an account at: advertising@thaiexaminer.com

The Thai Examiner is read largely by a young audience or readership. These are active users who have high spending power.

This is an affluent audience of young people who are interested in travelling.

The breakdown of Thai Examiner’s readership by age would look like this:

  • Young western adults who are interested in visiting Thailand – 18 to 24 years.
  • Young western adults who are interested in travelling to Thailand and exploring opportunities and relationships with the country – 25 to 34 years. Many of these readers have gainful employment or independent means as well as being self-employed.
  • Young female western visitors to Thailand – 18 to 24 years.
  • Regular visitors to the kingdom or with second homes or relationships with Thailand. This includes people considering such moves aged between 35 and 44 years.
  • Residents in Thailand 35 to 54 years – many are interested in employment, media solutions and investments.
  • Residents in Thailand or regular visitors 55 + these are avid news fans in Thailand where they live a more relaxed life. Otherwise interested in travel or hotel services. Also interested in property and investments.
  • Thai women 15 to 34 years – approximately half our female readers are Thai women with an emphasis on younger readers.

This online national newspaper provides this young audience with insightful news on the kingdom. We report the news in the country on a day to day basis but we also help our young audience overcome decades of negative and sensational coverage which is not only confusing to our readers but also potentially dangerous. 

Our articles and news sources point out the deeper explanations and factors underlying the news in Thailand giving our young audience a proper understanding without sugar coating the issues. 

Thailand can certainly be a dangerous place for young foreigners particularly if they buy into both false stereotypes and negative perceptions of the country.

Effective advertising vehicle for your message

This makes the Thai Examiner a useful and productive advertising vehicle for intelligent advertisers who would like to reach this mobile and valuable young audience.

Our advertising team can help you prepare and execute a campaign along these lines.

High spending readers among whom you can build brand recognition and generate a return

The majority of Thai Examiner readers are between 18 and 44 years old. These are high spending individuals. 

Our ad campaigns are available on a pay as you go basis with online ordering.

Create your account today and take advantage of our big display ad packages to build your brand’s name and image among this audience over an extended period.

Make the move, contact advertising@thaiexaminer.com

Hotels, Airlines, banking and dating services – you can target our young 25-64-year-old market

Thai Examiner is scoring higher and higher user audiences as we move towards our target of 1 million users a month.

But these are not just ordinary users, they are high spending western, English speakers in Thailand, the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia.

The Thai Examiner is consistently associated with travel, hotels, dating and a range of commercial activities as we look at Google’s own In market Segment analysis.

This is a worldwide western market with links to both the Kingdom of Thailand and key western countries such as the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.

Our news website is ideal for building brand awareness and recognition for your business if you are targeting a young western market both in Thailand and in countries from which such individuals visit.

Our advertising and marketing team will help you devise news led and PR strategies provided such activity is within our golden rule of being of use to our target users and ethical. This is also subject to approvals by our team based on the suitability of the advertiser.

We welcome enquiries from quality advertisers in the following areas:

  • Hotels or hotel chains.
  • Travel firms.
  • Airlines flying to Thailand and worldwide.
  • Internet service providers.
  • Internet device manufacturers.
  • Dating sites or social networks.
  • Banks or credit card companies.
  • Recruitment firms.
  • Media firms selling entertainment or news services.

They love to travel, play sports and are avid news readers particularly news from Thailand

The Thai Examiner readership is young and our market affinities samples show a long list of varied activities. Basically, it is a profile of active young professionals who have an interest in Thailand.

Our young, predominantly male audience are interested in news and consume a lot of news media output.

This would explain why they like the intelligent and positive view of this country which the Thai Examiner serves up.

From Thai business news to the latest entertainment trends in Bangkok or between crime reports where the environment and psyche of Thailand are explained by insightful writers. This is the Thai Examiner.

The Thai Examiner has established an advertising team and support service offering immediate accounts and assistance as well as a range of advertising packages and marketing programmes all for very small financial considerations as we develop our business by building our Thai Examiner community of foreigners in the kingdom and Thai people interested in learning more about western culture. 

We recommend our display ad options to build a brand and profile among this growing audience.

These services and packages may be extremely beneficial for the following advertisers. If you are among this group, email us today and we can have a chat.

The Thai Examiner is a promotional opportunity for your business particularly if it is in any one of the following spheres:

  • News and Media outlets targeting international readers particularly those interested in Thailand.
  • High-quality shopping outlets interested in foreign visitors to Thailand.
  • Hotels and hotel chains in Thailand targeting western foreigners.
  • Sports companies or outlets targeting western foreigners.
  • Banking and financial service companies including credit cards services targeting young western foreigners interested in Thailand.
  • Entertainment outlets in Thailand and worldwide targeting active, high spending western foreigners to Thailand.
Join the Thai News forum, follow Thai Examiner on Facebook here
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Follow Thai Examiner here

Further reading:

Economic plan to put the smile back in Thailand’s appeal to western foreigners to live and work

Government preparing a plan to lure millions more expats to come and live in Thailand spurring the economy