French authorities face backlash over Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest. Telegram calls it an ‘absurd’ violation of Durov’s rights amid claims of Europe’s crackdown on free speech. Russian officials demand protection for Durov, a dual French-UAE citizen.

The arrest over the weekend of the founder and owner of the Telegram app has shone a spotlight on structural and more draconian efforts in Europe to curb free speech. The arrest is increasingly being seen as controversial, although French authorities claim the warrant for Durov’s arrest is legitimate under French law. It is linked to a cyber police investigation. In response, the company, which operates Telegram in Dubai, has called the detention of Mr. Durov an ‘absurd’ and ‘ridiculous’ violation of the billionaire’s fundamental human rights.

Billionaire Pavlov Durov was detained over the weekend by French authorities after being taken off a private aircraft at Le Bourget Airport outside Paris. The arrest has raised questions about the French judicial process and free speech rights not only in France but also in the European Union. (Source: Reuters)

Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget Airport outside Paris on Saturday, August 24. The 39-year-old billionaire, who holds dual French and UAE citizenship, had flown in on a private jet from Azerbaijan.

Durov’s arrest has sparked controversy, with Telegram issuing a statement declaring that the arrest is absurd and that the CEO has nothing to hide. Firstly, the company, headquartered in Dubai, emphasised that it complies with EU laws. Secondly, it explained it maintains industry-standard controls that are constantly evolving.

Telegram stated: “Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently throughout Europe. It is ridiculous to claim that the platform or its owner is responsible for the violation.” 

At length, the company also expressed hope for a swift resolution to the situation. Furthermore, it has reiterated its support for its users.

French police investigate Telegram’s role in crime

The arrest of Durov is part of a preliminary investigation by French authorities. In short, it is linked to allegations that Telegram allowed various crimes to occur. Certainly, French officials point to inadequate moderation and cooperation with law enforcement.

The investigation is being led by France’s Cybersecurity Police and National Anti-Fraud Police. Additionally, there is a judge who specialises in organised crime overseeing the case.

Telegram, which was founded by Durov and his brother Nikolai in 2013. In truth, it has grown into one of the world’s most significant social media platforms. In particular in Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet states.

The app offers end-to-end encrypted messaging and the ability for users to create channels to disseminate information quickly. Despite being banned in Russia in 2018 for refusing to hand over user data to authorities, the ban was lifted in 2021.

Russia expresses concern over Durov’s arrest

Significantly, the arrest has prompted a reaction from Russian authorities. In brief, they have warned France to ensure that Durov’s rights are protected. Afterwards, the Russian embassy in France took immediate steps to clarify the situation, despite no formal request from Durov’s representatives. 

Meanwhile,  Russian authorities still consider Durov a citizen. However, he has resided outside of Russia since 2014. Before that he refused to comply with demands to shut down the opposition community on his VK social media platform.

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Durov, who describes his political views as liberal and cites Apple co-founder Steve Jobs as an inspiration, is estimated by Forbes to have a net worth of $15.5 billion. Previously, Durov has acknowledged pressure from some governments but has maintained that Telegram should remain a neutral platform and not a geopolitical player.

The arrest of Telegram’s CEO has drawn further attention to issues of freedom of expression in Europe, with tech industry figures like Elon Musk criticising the situation.

Musk has released messaging warning that Europe is descending into a dystopian future. In one clip, he painted a picture of a European social media user in 2030 facing execution for publishing a politically incorrect meme.

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Further reading:

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